Saturday, 31 March 2012

TFG (Transport for Goodies)

I always try to bring something baked to any sort of social gathering. However carrying everything in my limited collection of cake tins and tupperware proves to be problematic.

Saw someone had posted about this fantastic cupcake carrier on another baking page and you can get your own from Asda for £6! Problem solved.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Add colour to your kitchen: Colourworks Measuring Cups

I often find that American baking blogs can offer up some fantastic recipes. However, the major issue is decoding their measuring system. With everything listed in 'cups' it means that instead of leaping straight into making whatever delicacy I've found, I have to spend ages converting all the measurements.

My mother must have been having the same problem as she sent me a link to these beauties from Lakeland. They make measuring easy and brighten up your kitchen!

Great piece of kit for £5.99

£5.99 from the Lakeland website or in store.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Kitchen Design: Bistro Board

I'm someone who loves my flat to be full of little knick knacks and trinkets. I think the little touches are what make a difference to a home. And I'm always looking out for something unusual and reasonably priced to add to my collection.

I only left university in June 2010 so am still in the process of putting together my 'home'. I live with my other half and his 'stuff' focuses more on games consoles and computer parts. So I've been working on making the flat more homely.

I love browsing craft fairs and whilst working in a high street accessories store temporarily over Christmas I met a colleague who has her own small crafts business. Whilst she primarily sells via local craft fairs she's building an online presence for her company Bumbleblue.

One of the items she's selling which I've fallen a little in love with is this recipe blackboard, similar to what you'd find in a bistro.

Perfect for writing up recipes or food related messages to hang in your kitchen and a steal for £6!

Check out Bumbleblue!

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Kitchen Cuties: Retro Aprons

Now aprons are a necessity for any domestic goddess who wants to keep her outfit looking fabulous whilst whipping up something sweet. But who says function can't join with fashion?

Now I love browsing For those of you not familiar with it, it's an online marketplace for small businesses and individuals to sell their crafts and products. It's a great way to find a one of a kind item. I did a search for retro aprons and found a fantastic seller named Rosie Ann.

Retro apron, Cath Kidston-esque non? - £22

Half apron, 50's style - £14

Check her out and browse other sellers on Etsy for a great find!

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Baking Drawer Must Have: Colour for Cakes

Since discovering a love of baking, my birthday and Christmas presents seem to have taken on a distinct theme. My designated baking drawer in our kitchen is getting fuller every time there's a special occasion.

One of the recent additions was a Christmas present from one of my sisters. Wilton food colouring gels. I've previously used the Dr Oetker liquid colourings you can buy in supermarkets but sometimes have to use a seemingly massive amount to get the colour I want.

The gels come in small pots resembling paint pots. A set of 8 colours will set you back somewhere between £14 and £18. Shop around online and see what price you can find.

When making the rainbow cake I posted about a couple of weeks ago I used the gels, having read that they would give a much more vibrant colour than their liquid counterparts. I have to admit I was very impressed. A small amount produced a bright and rich colour. I'm someone who likes to use colourful frostings so these suit me perfectly. Highly recommended!

Wilton 8 Icing Colour Gels